Magical Ice Jewels!
Well, the snow has well and truly arrived here! We've had fun out and about this weekend and definitely made the most of it. Being only 16 months Rhubarb doesn't like being out in the white stuff for too long - she gets cold and starts to cry! I put out a waterproof-backed picnic rug with a hot water bottle to try to keep Jack Frost at bay for a little longer. These Ice Jewels are a perfect way for tots to explore the ice, whether outdoors or in! They were quick and easy to make and provide endless play and learning possibilities. Older toddlers could help to make them too. I put them in the freezer at breakfast time and they were ready by lunchtime. Water, food colouring and a bit of glitter (compulsory in this house!), super easy! Then hide them in the snow and let your little ones dig for treasure!
You could make little stained glass ornaments to hang on the tree - just put some natural objects and maybe glitter if Rhubard insists in a container then add a little water and a looped piece of string and put in the freezer or outside over night at the moment and then when it has frozen you hang outside and so long as the frosty weather lasts you have homemade decorations outside! Elizabeth xxx
ReplyDeleteA brilliant idea, especially with the food colouring, they'll look fab, thank you! x